Monday, April 11, 2011

I used to blog on Livejournal, now I'm on Blogspot

It's nothing personal, really.  I originally joined Livejournal because a friend swore up and down that she was going to be my blogging partner and we would comment back and forth on the Steampunk books we read and...well...that just didn't work out as promised.  I'm a graduate student in English, though, and reading and writing about literature comes as naturally to me as breathing; so while my friend has become increasingly busy with other projects in her life, I've continued with my commitment to be an avid student of all things Steampunk! 

This is my mission statement and purpose for being here, really; I plan to use this space to add my voice to the ever-evolving and complex discussion that surrounds this genre and the multiplicity of arts it has given rise to.  Lloyd Alexander wrote, "In some cases...we learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself."  I feel this is the best way to approach my work here:

"Writing and reading are such private acts that we forget how fundamentally social they are: We hear stories read by others and we like to tell others about the stories we read; we learn to write from others and we write for others to read us." (Mike Rose, Lives on the Boundary, 1989.) 

I will primarily be discussing books, but don't be surprised if I venture into film and music, which I consider additional forms of literature.  With all of this in mind, moving my blog over to Blogspot makes sense:  I already use google for so many other things in my life and 'follow' other bloggers on this site, and this seems like a fun place to continue with my ramblings in an area I still have so much to learn about.   

So what is "Atmology," you ask?  It is the study of aqueous vapour (also known as steam).  Aren't I clever?  Well, not really...all my other witty blog titles were already taken, so I became desperate.  After an hour of playing around with every possible idea I could come up with I finally decided to look up the 'ology' for steam and presto!  I forsee many, many conversations in which I have to explain this title, but here I am, and I hope my ramblings will be read and enjoyed by others.  Watch this space because in the coming days I will be moving over my previously published entries and--hopefully--adding new entries to the collection.

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